Sunday, May 8, 2011

How Much Protein Should I Eat After a Workout - Maximize Your Muscle Growth!

You hit the gym and pump some iron, you hard enough that these small tears in your muscle tissue that will help your muscle tissue is made to go back to the larger and more powerful unnatural.

You have created the ideal environment for muscle growth.

You are ready to relax, back on yourself and congratulate yourself for a tough workout slap ended.

Wrong ...

Exercise is started, all physical exercise does not produce muscle growth for the environment, and your muscles need energy to correct the fiber can grow back bigger and more powerful.

Most people when you grow up that you want to be to eat more protein, you know, and I usually do exactly the same question being asked - just how much extra protein and when?

I recommend my athletes body weight when they are at the stage of development for a kilogram of protein 3.5g eat. If you weigh 100kg you need to eat 350g of protein daily. You will need the carbs, 1.5g fat 1.0g/Kg.

It sounds like a lot, and it is a big deal but when you give yourself the best chance of bulking up very well need it to do what you should do. I have worked with over 500 specialist rugby players and have tried many other combinations and the best results.

So you have 350 grams of protein, how to get around each day the amount is likely to eat? Allow me to simply clear a significant factor. 100g chicken breast can be a weight, yet a lot of that excess weight is made up of water, the actual content is likely to be only about 30g protein. Therefore, twelve each day to eat chicken breasts get 350g of protein as your own you can watch.

A necessary step that will usually get left out of your post to a maltodextrin or whey protein shake with Vitargo such as sugar work, high glycemic index food service. You for one kilogram of body weight is 1.5g of carbs, so make sure you keep track must.

The main reason you will need glucose to produce an increase in their levels of insulin. Blood insulin to 'open' muscle tissue helps the protein and the fixing session after your weight with muscle tissue repair can begin. Blood insulin muscle tissue proteins are beating up on the door, but being unable to get to the inside without

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